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The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Intermittent Fasting & How To Do It Right for Better Energy & Easier Fat Loss!

Watch this free videoĀ and learn how to use intermittent fasting the right way - forĀ easierĀ fat loss, better energy and no more sugar cravings.

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Fix your fatigue, resolve gut issues and finally get to the bottom of your chronic symptoms.

It's time to finally feel good in your body. I'll help you uncover the hidden root causes of your symptoms so you can feel vibrant, energized and finally feel like yourself again.

Book A Free Call

Freedom from chronic health issues

Tired of dealing with gut issues, fatigue, and joint pain? I can help you get to the bottom of chronic symptoms and perplexing symptoms. No fluff or trendy diet fads, just genuine care and real solutions.

Book A Free Call

What my clients say...

Susan B.

Deena's Fasting Fix Program has been the answer to my prayers. I lost 30 lbs over the first 5 months. My sleep, aches and pains and energy are so improved!

Laura W.

I am starting to feel better both physically and mentally towards improving my gut health and thyroid. And losing weight was a bonus!!!

Louise M.

I am happy to say I have seen a significant weight loss and an incredible decrease in my left side numbness and tingling, which has been a major concern for me.

My Programs

Get started today with one of my signature workshops or programs.

Better Breakfast Workshop

The right breakfast can change your life. Really! It can rev up your metabolism, curb sugar cravings, and put an end to those afternoon energy crashes. Learn how to build a Better Breakfast in this instant access workshop.

Take the class

The Fasting Fix Program

Balance your blood sugar, lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation all in just 5 days a month using the power of modified fasting. Offered only once a year, the next LIVE round will be in the fall of 2023. 


Learn More

10-Day Body Reset

Reset your metabolism, lower inflammation, and boost your energy using a carefully designed nutrition plan that puts your body into a fasted state while still eating. The next one starts May 17th, 2023.

Learn More

What my clients say...


"My inflammation went down, my gas and bloating went down, I have fewer cravings for sweets, and my gut feels so much better!"

- The 10-Day Reset

Alisa O.

"I've met with other nutritionists who glaze over your concerns and give you a hand out telling you to follow the food pyramid - not Deena! She's thoroughly concerned about your health and works to customize a plan that's fitting for you."

- The 10-Day Reset

Sharon S.

"I just ordered a bunch of clothes online and things don't fit. I just assumed I was the same size as always, but I tried on a pair of pants that were "pull on" and they just dropped to the ground! This makes me happy. Of course that's in addition to all the underlying health improvements."

- The 10-Day Reset

The Life Changing Magic of A Better Breakfast

Most breakfast foods lack protein and fiber. Without these key ingredients, many people experience sugar cravings and low energy throughout the day. Learn how to make this simple, nourishing Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl to keep you satisfied and energized all day.

Better Breakfast Workshop

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Deena, a Licensed Clinical Nutritionist with a passion for solving gut issues, fixing fatigue and lowering inflammation so you can live a vibrant and healthy life, unburdened by chronic symptoms.  

Book A Free Call